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<p>Zebronics - Get the best deals on speakers from the leading brand Zebronics. Shop for top quality speakers from Zebronics at the best prices. Get the best sound experience with Zebronics speakers.</p>

Installation Process

<p>1. Contact Zebronics customer support by calling their toll-free number. 2. Explain your issue to the customer service representative and provide them with the model number of the speaker. 3. The customer service representative will provide you with a service request number. Make sure to save this number for future reference. 4. The customer service representative will then provide you with instructions on how to install the speaker. 5. Follow the instructions provided by the customer service representative to install the speaker. 6. Once the installation is complete, test the speaker to make sure it is working properly. 7. If you encounter any issues during the installation process, contact Zebronics customer service again and provide them with the service request number. 8. The customer service representative will provide you with further instructions to resolve the issue.</p>

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